
Aloe vera plants

Aloe vera is also known as the "miracle plant" and for good reason. The versatile aloe vera plant has already come a long way in naturopathy and offers Numerous health benefits. Aloe vera has more than just anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Aloe vera plant - For your health

Wound healing effect

Aloe vera products support the collagen synthesis of your skin. This supports epithelialization and thus wound healing. This natural ability promotes skin regeneration, minimizes scarring and improves the quality of the resulting scar tissue. Overall, aloe vera gel makes a significant contribution to the health and healing of your skin.

Radiation protection

Aloe vera has a protective effect against radiation damage by forming antioxidant proteins on the skin after the gel has been applied. This can bind free radicals and prevent hypersensitivity of the skin.


The aloe vera plant is particularly popular due to its anti-inflammatory effect. Enzymes, phytochemicals and polysaccharides help to reduce inflammation in the skin and have a soothing effect on irritated areas of skin, relieving redness and swelling. Aloe vera products also promote the healing of inflamed skin areas as it improves blood circulation and supports the regeneration of skin cells. The plant is particularly popular for the care of skin problems such as sunburn, skin irritation and eczema.

Antiseptic effect

The antiseptic effect of the aloe vera plant inhibits the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Natural ingredients such as phenols, saponins and salicylic acid ensure that harmful microorganisms are combated and infections are prevented. The antiseptic properties make aloe vera a valuable agent for disinfecting skin injuries, alleviating skin infections and promoting general hygiene.

Positive influence on the immune system & binding of free radicals

The plant also has a positive influence on our immune system, as it strengthens the body's own defenses. It also binds free radicals. This leads to a reduction in oxidative stress. Both properties support health by strengthening the immune system and at the same time protecting against the harmful effects of free radicals. Aloe vera is therefore not only of great value for external use, but also for promoting internal health.

Moisturizing effect

Aloe vera products promote the secretion of mucous membranes and thus increase the water content in the intestine. This supports bowel evacuation and can help with occasional constipation.


As aloe vera stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, it has an anti-ageing effect. The stimulation of fibroblasts leads to an improvement in collagen production. This increases skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.


Both the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are ideal for combating acne. Aloe vera gel reduces inflammation and inhibits the bacteria that cause acne. If the gel is applied to the affected areas of skin, acne symptoms can be alleviated and skin health improved. However, professional medical advice should always be sought in the case of severe acne.

Aloe vera plant


Aloe vera is a plant that grows in desert regions all over the world. The pulp of the leaves (gel) is rich in vitamins A, C, E and B12 and has many positive properties for your body and skin. Order your own aloe vera plant from our organic plantation in Greece! With the right care, it will give you many years of pleasure and provide you with beautiful leaves for your cosmetic needs. And if you can wait long enough, you will also be able to enjoy large leaves with beautiful gel as food.

Aloe is so much more than just a pretty ornamental plant on the windowsill, balcony or in the garden:

There are thousands of ways to use your aloe. You can find out all about the applications in our Book. Aloe can even be eaten, but beware: there is a layer of aloin between the green leaves and the gel. The aloin can be recognized by its yellow-green to orange color. If you cut the leaves, the aloin becomes visible. Aloin can cause irritation, and in large quantities it has a laxative effect on the body. For this reason, it is important that you carefully remove the aloin from the plant before eating the gel or adding it to your drink. We have created a simple guide on how to do this, which you can download here. here can view.







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We source our fresh leaves from our own farm in the Peloponnese in Greece. We grow the highest quality Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller under organic conditions.

For thousands of years, aloe has been famous for its moisturizing, healing and nourishing properties and is considered a symbolic plant for immortality. Today we know that no other plant contains more regenerating vital substances: vitamins A, B, C, E as well as many minerals, amino acids, enzymes, valuable polysaccharides and much more.

Over 160 active ingredients have been identified in aloe vera. On the one hand, it is used as a dietary supplement to regenerate the human organism. On the other hand, pure aloe vera juice, pure or in cosmetic products, stimulates natural cell renewal, metabolism and capillary circulation in the skin. The plant thus has a nourishing, protective and regenerating effect both internally and externally.















Aloe vera plants - Ideally suited as houseplants

55,00 €

Incl. 20 % VAT.

Plus shipping costs 

Delivery time: Within 12 days

Aloe vera is one of the best houseplants. The plants are not only easy to care for, but also extremely versatile in their applications. They store water in their thick leaves, which makes aloe a robust houseplant.

Planting aloe vera is very easy. You can use both cuttings and seeds to propagate it. If you use a cuttings, you need to make sure that the roots of the houseplant are strong enough before repotting it in a pot with well-drained soil. The pot should have a hole in the bottom so that excess water can drain away.

Aloe vera requires little water, so it is important to water it only when the top layer of soil is dry. Excessive watering can cause the roots to rot. Place the pot in a place with plenty of daylight. It is best to choose a location near a window. 

Aloe vera is not only beautiful to look at as a houseplant, but also has many health benefits. Due to its ability to bind pollutants from the indoor air, the aloe plant contributes to a healthy and clean indoor climate. Overall, as a houseplant it is a great addition to any home.

Frequently asked questions

The location should be as sunny as possible. It is best to choose a location near a window.

Yes, to propagate cuttings, carefully cut off small shoots. Then you just need to repot the shoots in a pot with well-drained soil.

This miracle plant requires little care and only a little water. If the top layer of soil is dry, you need to water it. 

The soil for your aloe should be well-drained, like a mixture of cactus soil and sand.

Yes, aloe vera can be grown from seed. Place the seeds on the surface of the soil and press them down lightly. Keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate.

Water moderately and make sure that the pot has a drainage hole to prevent waterlogging. This promotes the development of healthy roots.

Yes, the leaves are basically edible, especially the clear gel inside the leaves. This gel is often used in the kitchen for various culinary purposes.

The outer layer of the leaves contains a substance called aloe vera latex, which can have a strong laxative effect and contains bitter substances. The outer layer of the leaves is therefore considered inedible.

Repotting an aloe vera plant is not normally necessary too often, as it usually develops well in its pots and grows slowly.
